In the latest update for your Android Task Manager we substantially improved the edit task screen. What is the purpose of this update? ...

Clutter-free Task Edit on Android

In the latest update for your Android Task Manager we substantially improved the edit task screen.

What is the purpose of this update? MLO is powerful and flexible, and for this reason it allows you to set many different properties for the tasks. But for some users there is no need to use the full list of the properties all the time. Many of us use only a small part of them, while the remaining properties are left to distract us making the task properties editing screen overloaded. Can we solve and optimize this problem? We thought so, and now you can choose which task properties you need and which ones you hide.

From now on, we can choose between three modes for displaying task properties:
  • Custom property list,
  • Hide defaults,
  • All Properties.
The feature can be configured by a long tap on a mode selector on the edit task screen or in MLO settings (General Settings –> Customize task properties).
Let us consider each mode in detail.

“Custom property list” mode shows only selected and non-empty fields

The first mode, “Custom property list”, is designed to show only those fields that you have selected in configuration. If there are other non-empty properties for this task they are also added to the screen in this mode. In other words, in this mode the edit task screen consists of all the properties you selected as well as non-empty properties of a particular task (even if you did not select them). Thus, while showing both selected and filled in properties, other task properties stay hidden and don’t distract.

Let’s see how you can configure which properties you want to see in this mode. Long tap the mode selector to open the configuration screen. On this screen the properties can be selected from the “Available task properties” group by tapping a plus, and moved back by tapping a minus. You can also reorder the selected properties to see them in a specific order on Edit Task screen.

The second mode available is called the “All Properties” mode. It provides us with the full list of properties available for this or that task:

Moreover, you may also like to use the “All Properties” mode to use the unfilled field. This way, using the “Custom property list” mode makes you flexible and allows not to miss the properties that should be applied — just temporarily switch to “All Properties”, fill in the necessary field and switch back.

Unlike “All Properties”, the “Hide defaults” mode provides you with just the filled-in properties. So, as you may see, the “Custom property list” mode represents the middle ground between the two other modes. Such filled-in fields will be shown in bold:

The modes are to be changed by a series of taps, “Custom property list” being followed by the “Hide defaults” / “All Properties” mode selector.
Please note one important detail: if the setting "Group filled properties at top" is on, the filled-in properties are moved to the top of the task properties list, so that it would be easy to find them among the unfilled ones.

Grouping of filled properties at top

Tip. Please tap “Restore” and confirm restoration to retrieve the default task properties order.

Get the most by switching between each of the three modes. Moreover, you may benefit from using a particular mode in this or that situation. For example, setting the “Hide defaults” mode when being under time pressure will help you stay fast and focused, as well as save your time on processing urgent matters.

Feel free to share your impression and ask questions, we are looking forward to your feedback.

Tip. You would need to purchase the Pro version to use these options.