Are you enjoying MLO 2 for Android? We hope you do. And the MyLifeOrganized Team has something more to add!
We've spent much time puzzling over navigation in MLO 2. It was not so easy to fit all the necessary commands into phone's small screen. But we did it! We post here several navigation tips, which would highly increase the speed and simplicity of using MLO 2. Have fun!
1. Tap a task to select it. With the second tap on a selected task, you will expand or collapse this to-do.
2. Double tap on a task will start inline editing of the task title. In this mode you can select next task for editing with just one tap on it, in case it also needs some changes.
3. Swipe from right to left to preview task details.
4. Swipe from right to left or click Edit in task preview to start editing of a task.
5. Long tap on a task opens the local menu. Here you can find quick actions, like: edit notes, set context, due date or reminder.
6. Use navigation arrow! Click it to find the selected task, in case it is out of the screen. Click the second time to collapse the found task, if it is expanded.
If selected task is collapsed, you can click the navigation arrow to find its parent task. Click the second time to collapse the selected task. And you can continue like this, moving up in the hierarchy.
7. If you want to create a subtask, while in editing mode, just type space before the task title and it will be indented (converted to a subtask).
8. If you select a task in one view and then switch to another view, this task will be automatically found in a new view, if it exists there. This is a good replacement for Find In Outline command in MLO 1.
Here are more quick tips and tricks. We prepared this list basing on users' questions that our support service received:
We hope these instructions will be useful for you and will help to become more productive with MLO 2 for Android.
Sincerely yours,
The MyLifeOrganized Team
Life is easy when organized
We've spent much time puzzling over navigation in MLO 2. It was not so easy to fit all the necessary commands into phone's small screen. But we did it! We post here several navigation tips, which would highly increase the speed and simplicity of using MLO 2. Have fun!
1. Tap a task to select it. With the second tap on a selected task, you will expand or collapse this to-do.
2. Double tap on a task will start inline editing of the task title. In this mode you can select next task for editing with just one tap on it, in case it also needs some changes.
3. Swipe from right to left to preview task details.
4. Swipe from right to left or click Edit in task preview to start editing of a task.
5. Long tap on a task opens the local menu. Here you can find quick actions, like: edit notes, set context, due date or reminder.
6. Use navigation arrow! Click it to find the selected task, in case it is out of the screen. Click the second time to collapse the found task, if it is expanded.
If selected task is collapsed, you can click the navigation arrow to find its parent task. Click the second time to collapse the selected task. And you can continue like this, moving up in the hierarchy.
7. If you want to create a subtask, while in editing mode, just type space before the task title and it will be indented (converted to a subtask).
8. If you select a task in one view and then switch to another view, this task will be automatically found in a new view, if it exists there. This is a good replacement for Find In Outline command in MLO 1.
Here are more quick tips and tricks. We prepared this list basing on users' questions that our support service received:
- Unlike MLO 1, you can enter multiple tasks very quickly. Click "+", enter the task title, do not hide the keyboard and click Done on keyboard. The new task is inserted below automatically. Enter the title for the new task, click Done and so on. If adding the tasks is complete, just click Done while the task title is empty and the keyboard will disappear. It is quick and easy!
- To skip occurrence for overdue recurrent task just open task preview and click Skip Occurrence button.
- When the task checkbox is red, it means the task is overdue.
- When you rearrange tasks, you can drop a task on top of another task to make it a child of this task (in this case the parent task turns green), or you can drop it between other tasks.
- How to import views from desktop.
- If you do not see the view you need, open left side menu, click Edit and unhide the necessary views. Or you can create your own views here.
- To add your view to the widget, just create this view in MLO app and make sure it is non-hierarchical and visible in the app. After that it will be available for the widget.
- To show/hide completed task, click eyeball in the button menu several times. The icon with the stopwatch will hide old completed tasks while keeping recently completed tasks visible.
- The search input is located over the big icons Inbox, Starred, Nearby in the left side menu. Just pull down in the left side menu to see Search input.
- What is the difference between search and text filter: search will show the found task in complete task outline while the text filter will show only matched tasks hiding all the other tasks.
- The Today View displays the number of tasks and events on a selected date. If you select Start and Due in Today view filter and a task have several days between Start and Due, then this task is counted for each date for this interval in the graph.
- Only active tasks are visible in Today view for selected date. However "Dependency" and "Complete Subtasks in Order" task properties are not considered in this case. This is needed for you to not miss a deadline because of dependency.
- In MLO settings you can select calendars to include to Today view or to hide this view completely from the left side menu.
- Only the first level of grouping in custom views is supported on all MLO mobile clients by design.
- Manual ordering for tasks in your custom views are not synchronized between platforms. Only Starred and Active Starred can sync manual tasks positions at the moment.
- There are three ways to reach the Task Edit screen: 1) swipe from task preview 2) tap on the Edit button in Task Preview 3) three dots button in the local menu.
- You can set a PIN code to your profile in MLO settings.
- You can setup the vibration and sound signal to the task completion action in MLO settings.
- You can see the overview and basic features of MLO 2 in this video.
- You can find more details about MLO 2 in this announcement.
We hope these instructions will be useful for you and will help to become more productive with MLO 2 for Android.
Sincerely yours,
The MyLifeOrganized Team
Life is easy when organized