Guys, we have something to tell users who are interested in a native version of MLO for Mac OS. If it’s you, please read on.
Note: if you subscribed to our "MLO for Mac" news, you should have already received the same email.
First of all, we would like to thank you for playing an active role in the development of our product, your feedback is very important for us!
As you may know, MLO-Mac has been in our plans for a long time. Now we are at a moment when we must have the final cost estimates. As a small team we have to be pragmatic and carefully allocate resources.
We must admit we received more MLO-Mac subscribers than expected which indicates there is considerable interest in MLO-Mac. This triggered us to take initial steps towards MLO-Mac development by preparing to port the iOS version to Mac. But there is still a lot of work before MLO-Mac is ready for release. On the other hand, a number of users would prefer a web version. That’s why we need your vote again.
We’ve prepared a short survey to find out if our users’ preferences have changed. Its results will dictate the way forward for MLO development and will help us to set timelines for improvements and additions.
Your opinion is crucial for us. There are just a few questions and it will take not more than 1-2 minutes. We appreciate your time and hope to reward you with improved software and service. Thank you!