Ready for the new version of MyLifeOrganized on Windows? Here is another gift we have prepared for the upcoming Holidays - MyLifeOrganized v...

Overview of MyLifeOrganized v.5 for Windows

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Ready for the new version of MyLifeOrganized on Windows? Here is another gift we have prepared for the upcoming Holidays - MyLifeOrganized v.5 presented by CEO Andrey Tkachuk. Check out the video below!

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We have already released the new version to our wonderful team of beta testers to make sure the product provides excellent user experience without any glitches. A bit later there will be a public beta release available for you to test the updates. Hope you will like it!

Happy Holidays!


  1. Congratulations Andrey and team! ML0 5's UI looks incredible and I can't wait to use it. I especially love the Google Calendar integration (thank you so much!!!) and the Markdown formatting! I can't cheer you guys on enough!

  2. Looking forward to the Google Calendar sync!!! Thanks for all you do :)

  3. Congratulations! Looking forward to it! Whoa!

  4. EXCELLENT. where is the download?

  5. Great job! Thanks a lot! Happy to have things that enhance my productivity!

  6. Love the calendar sync!

  7. I have MLO 4.4.6,and bought all platform versions.Any chance I can try out beta?

  8. When will this be available?

  9. Stop teasing! When will the public beta be available? Since the closure of IQtell, I have gone back to using MLO and can't wait for the new features. The last month of seeing the new update and having to wait has me checking back each day with no updates.
