Power up your task management workflow on Windows by adjusting tabs. In the upper part of the application window there are tabs, wh...

Use it like a Pro: Tabs Customization

Power up your task management workflow on Windows by adjusting tabs.
In the upper part of the application window there are tabs, which we also call Workspaces. Workspaces are used to save and quickly access the settings of the environment in which you work, such as: the current view, advanced filters, focus, highlighted tasks, etc. Workspaces can show different parts of the same data file in different views.

For each tab (workspace) in MyLifeOrganized for Windows, you can specify individual settings:

Show view counter on tab
In essence, this is a task counter in the view opened in this tab. This counter will change in the tab depending on the specified filters (context choice, flag, etc.)

Sync selection with first tab
If this option is enabled, then in order to view the task in another view, opened in the first tab, you just:
  • click it twice – you will automatically be transferred to the first tab
  • or select it and go to the first tab.
    Sync zoom with first tab
    If this setting is enabled, the tab will show only those tasks that fall under the zoom set in the first tab. For example, having set the focus on a folder with the household chores, in the first tab you will see the full list of household chores only, while in the second – the list of active household chores.
    If this option is disabled, no focus will affect this tab.
    To change or set the necessary tab settings, right-click on it and select “Set up workspace”