Current times have been and continue to be challenging and unpredictable. Our team continues to work on your favorite task management app in Ukraine during the war. We gain incredible experience in staying sane and productive.
Like our whole country, we are struggling to live a normal life on top of the crisis, suffering from everyday blackouts, sleepless nights, constant stress, and anxiety. Yet, while coming through all this our team stays on top of productivity and keeps going forward. The only mystery receipt hidden behind our high performance is the ORGANIZED ROUTINE!
We found that following a daily routine is the best way to deal with all the hardships the war has brought. The main problem was to focus on something, as 60% of the time was lost on doomscrolling the news feed. Later we realized that instead of dwelling on the problems we can’t resolve, we should focus on what we can actually do. This makes us at least a little happier.
The MLO app has always been at hand. It helped us to plan and control our actions, and most of all to concentrate. We re-discovered the MLO key features once again. The app has all the necessary tools for staying focused and efficient no matter what. The top 3 useful features we can highlight:
Subtasks in order
Doing one task at a time is the key to progress. In MLO the next task can only appear after you complete the current one. You feel relieved, and To-Do list does not look overloaded.
Dependency allows you to build non-linear schemes of projects. Thus the completion of one task has an impact on other projects, and not only opens access to the next task on its branch.
Some of our personal tasks are now put on hold. We and our tasks are expecting the time when the war is over and simple things like travels are back again.
Repeating Tasks
Setting up Repeating Tasks helps to turn routine actions into habits, and not to forget or neglect them.
Following this simple strategy is bringing us closer to our current goal - the release of MyLifeOrganized 6 for Windows! It will be out very soon and will include even more options for keeping things under control. Imagine the Dashboard that will let you see a big picture. Track how all your projects are doing and what task needs your immediate attention. This way you won’t miss a thing.
We are very proud to be working on such an essential product for people's peace of mind. Hard to believe, but the new version will be even more useful. Stay tuned!