In understanding why it might be beneficial to use included (nested) contexts in MyLifeOrganized   task manager , it's e...

A case of using included contexts

In understanding why it might be beneficial to use included (nested) contexts in MyLifeOrganized task manager, it's essential to note the following:

  • It is not obligatory to do this. You can use a simple, single-level list of contexts, if that is enough to keep your system in order.
  • Even if you are satisfied with a single-level list of contexts, nesting can simplify the process of assigning contexts. For example, suppose you have many tasks that can be completed either on the computer or the phone. In order not to permanently assign two contexts (@Computer and @Phone) to these tasks, you can create one context @Devices that will be included in both contexts. So, tasks with the context @Devices will be displayed in both task lists.
  • Nesting of contexts can be used to increase the flexibility of your lists, adding more fine-tuning to them.
It is the third point that we will now consider with the example of phone calls.

Imagine that you have a list of phone calls and one context @Calls:

For this context, you can even set your display time so that these tasks are not displayed at night:

At any given time we can create a list of calls using the context filter, but:

In the list of calls, both in the afternoon and in the evening, as well as on weekends both personal calls and business calls are shown. Do you really think that in the evening you need to see the task “Call the boss” or “Call the client”? Hardly will they be happy about a late call on a business issue...

Then another question arises: how to make it so that during working hours only business calls are displayed, and at private time only personal calls. At the same time, there are such calls that need to be seen both at working and private time. Tasks can definitely be limited with the start date, and time. In some cases it is even necessary. But in order to divide calls into personal and business this is not the best idea.

You can create two contexts, thereby dividing calls into personal and business calls. Both contexts should be assigned to tasks that are to be seen both at working and private time:

But you will constantly need to switch between these contexts in order to keep all your phone calls under control. That is also, as you may admit, is not very convenient:

How to divide business and personal calls in the format of a single list @Calls

For this we need all three contexts:
@Calls - to combine all calls into one list
@CallsBusiness - to show business calls only during working hours
@CallsPersonal - to limit the display of personal calls during business hours

At the same time, business and personal calls are nested into a single list @Calls:

Now, when setting the filter to the context @Calls, we can see all current calls available at the moment:

We do not need to see the included contexts in the filter list, so we hide them in the To-Do filter:

In the list of filters there is one context @Calls, which will display both business and personal calls, depending on the current time. For example, during the daytime only business and personal calls that we need to make during working hours (orders, purchases, etc.) are displayed.

What if we need to see all calls without time limit?

To do this, simply tick “Include closed”, which disables the filter by the specified time.

Let's sum up

Included contexts allow you to customize the task lists for any specific conditions:
- working hours of organizations, shops
- features of your work schedule and planning system
Their use is limited only by your own imagination and visualization of your own planning system.